The anti-smoking hypocrisy, and the dumbshits who buy it
I'm reading today that the governor of Washington wants to increase taxes on cigarettes twenty cents a pack. This will, in her opinion, raise essential revenues to assure higher quality education and health care for children, and will motivate many of us demons who smoke to quit.
Now I'm not a rocket scientist, but those seem to be opposing objectives. In other words, if she's successful at increasing revenues, how does motivating people to quit paying those revenues help? While you anti-smokers are stammering on some marketing slogan you've heard to answer that question, let me just add that you're dumbshits.
Some dumbshits also believe that smoking costs us money in health care because of the illnesses it causes. In order to believe this myth, you have to accept that if a person didn't get sick and die because of smoking, they would never get sick and die. That just isn't the case. In fact, if you can accept that it cost less to treat cancer ten years ago than it does today, it actually saves us money for a person to get sick and die as early as possible. Now don't give me any 'that's so inhumane' bullshit. We aren't talking humanity. We're talking cost because that's what the myth is.
If you factor in that a smoker is less likely to recover from an illness so they don't have to get sick again to die, and that they won't perform many operations on a patient who won't agree to quit smoking, the savings are exponentially compounded. When you consider the revenue generated by sin taxes, and taxes on the production and transportation of cigarettes, the cost is significantly offset. Finally, for each month that a life is shortened by early death from smoking, there is one less social security check being sent out. That saves us money.
It would be easier for me to accept you dumbshits if you weren't all assholes on top of it. 'I shouldn't have to breathe your smoke' is one of the whiny things I hear. I agree. You should stay the fuck away from me, especially if I'm smoking. But no, it can't be that simple. You might want to stop in at some out-of-the-way joint for a beer, and it bothers you that the people who support the bar might smoke cigarettes in there. It never dawns on your stupid asses to go to Red Robin, or any of thousands of other places that don't allow smoking because they don't want to allow it. I've got no problem with that. If we were there, and I wanted a smoke, I'd go out to the parking lot.
I was in a debate about this on a board. I said that a store should be able to allow smoking, even if they'd be crazy to do it. I was asked 'whose rights are violated if stores are required to be non-smoking.' The answer was simple: the owner's rights are being violated, you dumbshit!
So anyway, our non-smoking, cancer-surviving governor will probably get her twenty cent tax. It's because most of you 'humanitarians' don't really give a shit about what's right or wrong. All you really care about is paying for government excesses with other people's money.
That's my take.
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