Gay marriage ban: polarizing the masses over nonsense
Over the past several years, courts that operate under state constitutions that include clauses that prohibit discrimination based on gender have decided that marriage laws discriminate on the basis of gender.
So-called conservatives (aka fundamentalist Christians and rednecks) are yelling that we need to rid the courts of 'activist judges' who make these ridiculous decisions, and replace them with judges who will uphold the standards God has set for us all. Worse than that, they claim it 'ruins the sanctity of marriage' to 'endorse' these types of relationships by allowing them to marry.
On the other side, you have these people who claim that homosexuality is both normal and a birth defect, and that they deserve 'special' protection because they are 'just like' everybody else. The average gay rights supporter who isn't himself/herself gay, is usually an idiot who tries to explain the normalcy in one man allowing another man to stick his dick in his mouth, and then tries to explain that it's genetically impossible for him to make any other decision.
Polarizing idiots works well for the two-party system. Since most people are idiots, they will, once again, be able to reinforce that we have no choice but to vote Republican or Democrat. Other idiots who voted third parties last election because 'there was no lesser of the two evils,' forcing them to vote their consciences, will be lured back into voting for one of the two major parties feeling the duty to not waste their votes.
I think most people just don't give a shit, but, unfortunately, they will still tend to line up with one major party or the other, and for all the wrong reasons - and the two parties know it!
A marriage license is just a document. People fill them out, sign them, and have them recorded, just like they would a deed. No more than a deed will keep the lawn mowed and the house painted, a license doesn't add sanctity to a marriage. Either the parties work at being married and create the sanctity of their marriage, or they don't. The license, in and of itself, becomes important when the couple dissolves the marriage, when one of the parties in a marriage becomes mortally ill, and when one of the parties dies. At that point, however, the license is quintessentially important.
So why don't gay people accept some other type of document, say a civil union license, instead of making us issue marriage licenses? Simple: because, as a society, we're only discussing that option with them now that they've won the right to marry in several states. Until it became reality that gays are able to marry, we, as a society, didn't give a shit about them or their problems. Why would they, metaphorically, settle a million dollar judgment against a respondent who can afford to pay, for a measly thousand dollars?
Whether homosexuality is a sin that will send the participants to hell, or something God won't judge them on, doesn't matter. It's irrelevant whether it's a choice or a genetic defect. Gay marriage is here, or soon will be. Those of us who will be able to say that 'we remember when' will eventually die off, and to future generations it will be as accepted as paying the state to own a dog is today.
But until it becomes accepted, it will be a tool to make all you idiots believe you have no choice except to vote for one of the two major parties.
That's my take.
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