Andrea Yates gets a new trial?! Why?
If you don't know, you came to the right place! I'll try to explain this in terms an idiot can understand, and just hope you're as smart as an idiot.
Andrea Yates was convicted of murder for killing her five children. She was given a trial in front of a jury, and the jury weighed the allowable evidence and made the decision that she intentionally, and with forethought and malice, drown the precious lives out of those five kids.
The defense only disputed the malice. They contended that she suffers from post partum depression, an identifiable mental ailment that afflicts many women shortly after giving a birth. She was on medication for it. In severe cases, it can cause bizarre behavior including thoughts of suicide and murder, and sometimes the thoughts are acted upon. She told the police that she wanted to make sure her children would be with God. She had the classic signs of a psychotic episode.
The defense didn't pretend that she didn't murder her children. They just said she was was so fucking loony that she actually thought she was doing a good thing for the children.
But her case wasn't the typical baby found in a bag on the side of the road, or in a bathroom trash can; her case was the methodical murder of five children! Besides, and to many this seemed a relevant point, she's a goddamned Christian! The public expected the prosecution to get the conviction! This bitch didn't even deserve to live!
Well, they heard you.
They found this guy named Park Dietz. Mr. Dietz is a forensic consultant. To explain how she wasn't insane, he claimed he consulted for the TV series Law and Order for an episode in which a mother drown her children and got off claiming she was insane. It aired shortly before Andrea Yates murdered her children. She was an avid viewer of the show. Besides, if she didn't want the devil influencing her children from God, she obviously knew right from wrong.
Well, Park Dietz lied! There was no episode like that!
The appeal was correctly decided that Andrea Yates deserved a new trial because the prosecution's star witness influenced, or may have influenced, the jury into a decision based on a lie.
Don't fucking gripe about that! Those same fucking rules apply to you if some fucking prosecutor resorts to false witness to win a conviction! You should be fucking pissed off that these fucking doctors of law can even be influenced by you idiots! You fuckers should be making them listen to intelligent people like me, but you'll probably sell out to the money and the marketing slogans. Someone will come up with a law that throws the insane in with the criminals, and anyone who wouldn't make such an assanine suggestion gets to run with the tag that he/she is in favor of killing children!
You're fucking idiots to fall for that shit!
There's this idea that if you say something often enough, you'll believe it, even if you don't understand it. Try saying this often: 'people have the right to fair trials.' Maybe someday you'll understand it.
That's my take.